Enjoying the Greek Island of Crete:
Completely Crete (En)

All the Cretan beaches: Cretanbeaches.com (En)

Explore Crete (En, De, Fr, Nl)

TUI Airways (UK)

With many photo’s : Kreta Impressionen (De)

Kretapagina (Nl)

Tour de Grèce avec photos (Fr)

West Crete (En, De, Fr)

Heraklion (En)

Actual weather: Heraklion Port (En)

Weather forecast (En)

Meteo.gr (En)

General information about Greece

De Griekse Gids (Nl)

Tours with campervans in Crete and Greece

Campertocht op Kreta (Nl)

Campertocht Griekenland (Nl)

Sidonie, vacance en Crète (Fr)

Projetgrandtour (Fr)



April – October office at Gouves:
Every day 8:30– 14:00, 17:00 – 21:00
Other months office open upon request
You can call us all year 10:00 – 19:00


All our offers are with restriction of availability. If we make you an offer, the offered camper type will be available at that time. But we can make multiple offers for the same period and availability can change at any time. Offers and Prices can be subject to change.